After the rotten sill was replaced, the window could go in. Concr

ete blocks also went in around the window well to prevent the dirt from falling back in. These blocks came from a house demolished by the hospital across the street. They have been behind the shed for several years. When we got them out a surprise solution was found to a mystery: my van keys were back there buried by the stored blocks. They must have fallen out of my pocket when I was stacking them. I never replaced them because a new set costs $100 (thanks Ford!).

The closet in the corner came out and the tile floor began to go in. A wooden (oak) trap door was made to go above the sump cover.
Next: electrical work. Doug Ballantine helped and added all the new circuits. The two plugs in the master bedroom (southwest) were replaced and two more added. Three plugs were set into the concrete on the southern wall of the basement bedroom. Plugs were also added to the boiler room and basement office (northwest). The plugs under the basement window are one circuit (to accommodate an air conditioner). The other plug is double a

nd has two circuits, one for each pump (in the same sump). Then the pumps in the boiler room sump were put on two different circuits. So for the pumps to fail, both circuits have to trip, or both pumps have to fail and the pumps/circuits in both sumps have to fail (because they are connected by underground pipe). But... if the electr

icity goes off, then the generator is needed (within five minutes of power outage, if there is heavy rain). So we still could get a flood, but it won't be because a pump failed or circuit tripped. And there is now less wooden floor and wall to get soaked.
To make the sump pump in t

he bedroom less conspicuous the pipes were renewed so that PVC pipes go close to the wall. A drain for the dehumidifier was incorporated. Removing the old exit pipe revealed a hole in the wall that was letting mice in. To impr

ove the drainage the existing outside pipe (4 inch) was renewed. This was a great deal of digging (to make it fall down hill!) which was done by the boys and mum. Four loads of 3/4 inch trap sto

ne was transported in van... more shovelling by the boys. I also added a perforated black pipe on top (4 inch). This is a pipe I bought for $10 from Hudson Valley Materials

Exchange (now closed). It has been on the shed roof for years.
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