Monday, February 14, 2011

Field Trip

The third graders make four field trips to Black Rock Forest, one each season. While there they make observations of temperature (water, air and soil) , plant life, animal life, wind, water, sky, precipitation,etc., both in the forest and at the reservoir. Usually, mostly moms volunteer to chaperone. Today, for the winter visit, it was fifteen dads, my neighbor Sue and me. The Valentine's Party is this afternoon, so I'm guessing the other moms preferred to help at the party, but I'll take Black Rock any day!
It looks cold, but it was a balmy, breezy 49 degrees Fahrenheit with a gorgeous blue sky, hard packed snow on the trails (there was that one place where I stepped through and found one leg thigh deep, but it wasn't on the trail), and 16.5 inches (depth) of ice on the reservoir. I understand that's deep enough for a mid-sized car to safely drive on it (our guide encouraged the kids to jump up and down on the ice!--all together!) The kids' favorite part of the trip?--sliding down the banks by the reservoir!

Black Rock Forest in Winter

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