Sunday, May 17, 2009

Transmission Filter

1999 Ford Windstar was dropping oil on the driveway. It seemed to be coming from the transmission which had a small dent in the pan. Perhaps the knock bent the pan so that it didn't seal anymore. So I decided to pull the pan and check it for square, changing the gasket, filter, fluid (except what's in the torque converter). My worry was breaking the small bolts (8mm socket, so about 6mm bolts). I had already broken a couple in the Escort and had just dug out an easy out from the VW with diamond bits... I didn't want to go through that again. All but one broke the seal on the first try. One was giving me trouble, so I sprayed it with penetrating oil again, and also heated it. This time it came out. I drained the fluid, cleaned the pan, including the magnet which had fine iron fur around it... no chunks or metal or filings (van has 77,000 miles). The pan looked square. Maybe the knock had broken the seal, but not actually changed the meeting surfaces.

The gasket is reusable plastic, but I put the new one in anyway, installed the new filter, and gently tightened all the bolts (also changed the oil, oil filter and fuel filter while the van was up). Four quarts of Mercon V went in. After a short drive another quart went in. After an hour's driving, it seems to need another quart. But the pan is completely dry.

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