found an old bicycle in a ju

mbo bin. It was missing the seat, which is no problem.

I had an old seat lying around. The back tyre was flat, so I pumped it up. Water started coming out which was unusual. Nevertheless I kept on pumping, then bang! The tube exploded a 3 inch hole in it (not the tyre). I had another wheel lying around (on top of the shed, I think), so I put that on. But it was t

oo buckled and the sprockets were badly worn and broken. So I thought I would just pull the tube out of that tyre. But that would mean finding tyre irons. I thought it might be quicker to make new ones instead (more fun too). So I got out the forge, and looked around for some suitable steel. As I stared at a likely piece of steel, I suddenly realised that it was a tyre iron! It is probably for a motorcycle, but it worked on the bicycle, and gave me a pattern to make the others.
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