After hitting a steel pipe with

No. 18's mower, DD then hit a lump of earth with ours. It bent the blade down but didn't do any other damage. No. 20 still had to be finished. We couldn't use the tractor because the gate to the back yard is too narrow. There was nothing to do but to break out the forge. I haven't used it for about 18 months. All the clutter that buried it had to be moved away.

I wasn't sure if the fan would still work, but it did. We soon had a nice fire and Daniel hammered the blade straight with two or three heats. We used the new anvil for the first time. We hadn't use

d the forge since JJ bought the beetle (since the anvil and beetle came at the same time, from the same seller). We let the blade cool slow

ly since it wasn't bent near the cutting edge. Then replaced it, and Daniel finished the job with

no problems. With such a nice little fire going I didn't want to waste it. So I started making an S hook, which turned out to be a G clef for Lynn Cunningham, retiring from West Point


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