A an

d J have their 2nd grade project making musical instruments. J bought som

e plastic eggs and filled them with various rattling materials: buttons, beads, pebbles, rice. She has made shakers.
A wants to make a drum so we are dehairing the deer hides to make rawhide. We wanted to soak the hides in lye (=caustic soda=sodium hydroxide) but it is hard to find. Even

tually we bought some Drano (which is sodium hydroxide). I remember Mr Woolley years ago brought some caustic soda over to unclog the pipes on mum's ancient ringer washing machine. We diluted the lye 1/4 cup to ten gallons and soaked the hides for a few days. Then the hair slips off easily with a bit of scrapin

After the hair is off, the hide is rinsed out to get some of the lye out. Then to neutralise the remaining lye, soaked in a vinegar solution for 30 minutes

(1/4 cup per gallon).
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