In mid-June C spoke on "The Power of a Woman" at a Nazarene Women's Retreat in New Hampshire.
A roaring Acts chapter 2-like wind picked up on campfire night, scattering sparks everywhere.
Late June:

Early July: On the way home from Orlando, we had time to enjoy rellies and the beach in Daytona, and a day on the Mall and in the Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. An international festival was underway on the Mall featuring artisans and performers from various countries. The potter, weaver, stone carver and boat builder from Wales were amazing.

Mid-July brought us Boys' Camp in Windsor, NH., S as counselor, Ja as CIT, D as camper, the female family members as program assistants. Camp featured swimming, boating, archery, Bible Quizzing (D learned over 60 verses to win the first place trophy) , worship and a pine car derby (D's pine car pictured below). Ju. caught moths and a teeny frog at camp, but we failed to snap a photo. Sorry, Phil! On the way down the mountain we stopped at the Franklin Pierce house where an artisan fair was underway. Our first time to watch a pewtersmith in action. Next week we head to Girls' Camp at the same place with C as speaker.

Other new experiences this summer included geocaching with friends in Fitchburg

The very latest excitement is that A. lost her first baby too

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