So I called the car parts shop and they said they didn't have such a thing. Then I called Ford and they said what do you mean, tell me where it goes. Then he said do you mean the IAC valve, and I said yes, not wanting to sound like I didn't know what I was talking about.
A quick search on the internet told me to take the thing off and clean it out. So that's what we did. At first I couldn't really see in and we just sprayed in some cleaner. That didn't make any difference, so we took it off again. This time I poked a scribe in the hole and was able to move the piston back so that the valve opened the hole between the two halves. The unit is a little valve that allows air to bypass the normal intake system when the idle is too low,
We didn't really do a good job of cleaning it, and it started to stick again. So today we took it off again and soaked it in carb and choke cleaner. We also tried to scrape out the gunk and clean it up better. Hopefully it will stay good now (so we save $80!).
Now the 'check engine' light is on again so we'll have to find out which codes are outstanding. The car automatically fails inspection if the 'check engine' light is on.